Create PAUSE Counselling

Specializes in mental health & wellness therapy for youth, young adults, and their families. 

Services are accessible in our St Thomas/Elgin counselling space or virtually to those living throughout Ontario.  

What To Expect

Welcome - First Contact

Create PAUSE Counselling understands that making the first contact can be extremely difficult. People have described feeling vulnerable at this stage. Melissa would like to invite you to call or email for a free initial consultation. Take this opportunity to talk with Melissa about your life worth living and what tomorrow would be if it were 1% better.

Once you have made the decision to book the first appointment, Create PAUSE Counselling will email and invite you to complete a ‘referral' document.  

“This document will ask for basic information like your name, birthdate and contact details.  It also provides the opportunity for you to reflect on what would be most important to talk about during counselling sessions.  By completing this document prior to the first session, we will not spend the entire initial appointment doing paperwork and it will help me to better understand your reasons for coming to see me”.

The Beginning

“During the initial session(s) time is spent getting to know you, your unique story and experiences. This will likely include a brief family history. I begin to formulate an understanding of your skills, strengths and capabilities. My goal is for you to feel safe, supported and heard as we discuss hopes and goals for your life worth living. This will become your individual therapy plan”.

Moving Forward...

Our Journey

During the ‘working phase’ of therapy, we clarify your goals and move through your individual therapy plan together. This might also include homework between sessions. My goal is to help you build your own personal tool kit for navigating through life’s ups and downs by providing a combination of psycho-education with opportunity for skill acquisition and development.

Right from the time of our first session, we will be working towards concluding therapy. Most youth want to know that being in counselling is not a forever thing. My goal is to be effective in helping you reach your life worth living goals. We will review the therapy plan throughout the process and once you feel that your goals have been met, we will work towards our final therapy session.

Got A Question For Our Team?

Leave it in the space below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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